Rohtak Court Peon Process Server Recruitment 2025 Notification

Notification Details : Read Carefully

Rohtak Court Peon Process Server Recruitment 2025 Notification Rohtak Code Piano Process Survey Recruitment 2025 Official Notification from the Government was released on 12th February 2025 and the application last date is 3rd March 2025. There is no application fee for any job. You can apply for free. You will only have an interview. There will be no written test. If you look at the salary, the salary will be 20,000 to 25000 per month. In total, you have 2 vacancies. In total, there are 2 posts in this. After the first post, you have a total of three vacancies in the Process Server Edition Process Server.

Recruitment organisationDistrict and section Judge Rohtak
Total vacancies19
Post nameProcess server and peon
Job locationHaryana
CategoryCode recruitment

Qualification details:

Process, sir; if you check your qualifications, you can apply for any of them. Just if you pass the TET, it is enough. Along with the TET, they say that you should definitely know Hindi or Punjabi. If you are looking for a job as a Pian in the process server shop, you should definitely pass the TET. At least you should definitely know Hindi and Punjabi, or at least you should have knowledge.

Age Limit:

In terms of age, anyone who is at least 18 years old and a maximum 42 years old can apply, and the appointment is said to be on January 1, 2025. This notification has been released.

Application process:

You should apply online only; do not apply through any offline or speed post. If you go to school, you will see an application link. Click on it, and if you are online, you should apply only. You have not received any applications for this job, so apply to everyone and try. Just apply if you are a 10th pass, and anyone can apply for the process server job.


If you are a doctor in the process job, there are 63 vacancies, out of which 2 vacancies are for general and the remaining one is for physically handicapped. Next, if you look at the job, you have a total of 16 vacancies, out of which four vacancies are for general, 2 for SC, 2 for BC, 2 for BCB, 1 vacancy for general, 1 vacancy for physical handicapped, load reason, you have a total of 16 vacancies.

Post nameQualificationVacancies
Process server10th class + knowledge of Punjabi and Hindi03
Peon8th class pass + knowledge of Hindi and Punjabi16

Important dates:

Salary takes care of the work. If you have a basic pay salary process server or PN job, you will get $16,000 for one month. If you have a basic plus salary, that is, the salary you get for one month. How do we still have a room? If you include all the travelling, you will easily get 20,000 to 20,000 for one month. If you apply for a job, there is no such application fee. You have to apply online only.

If you apply in the name of any of your friends, your application will be raped. Give your details while applying online because you will get an email asking for interview dates. You can apply for the admit card while applying. While you are selecting in the online form, give your details and your tenth grade certificate details and marks all correctly; in case you are given the wrong one, there will be trouble.

While you are uploading all your details online, check that you have entered them correctly. In case you give your email ID and mobile number incorrectly, it will be sent to someone else, and you will not be admitted. So, once you have checked once or twice, give your mobile number correctly. If you still have any doubts, a website link has been given in the description. You can open that website and verify it once.

Application starting date12th February 2025
Application last date3rd March 2025
Interview datesInform you

PDF Links:

Notification PDFClick Here
Application FormClick Here
Offical websiteClick Here


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